Lost in translation...

It is not too often that I am left without words. It is not too often that the only thing left for me to say is I'm sorry.
but when times like those come, the only choice is to deal with them and face the consequences, as terrible and devastating as they might be.

I make mistakes sometimes, let me rephrase that, I make mistakes ALL the time, some affect me, some affect those around me. Some I can help, some are inevitable.

But sometimes, I have no answers, I can't explain, I think and overthink and can't come up with a logical explanation.

I am weird like that sometimes.

I ran out of excuses a while ago, I got lost in translation somehow, and now I am trying to find my way back, the road doesn't end here, I must continue, I must move on.

All I know is that I will never be the same again.

"...Y si mi puerta sigue abierta, no es porque piense que vas a llegar, hago una fiesta con la música que viene de la calle..."


  1. I like this one!.. "hagamos fiesta con la música que viene de la calle"


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