Black and white

I don't remember ever having a black and white television or

having photos of my childhood in black and white, I was born and raised in a

color world, and I am grateful for that.

Despite how busy I've been these past days

studying, writing and reading. I have been thinking a lot

about our perception of things, people and life in


And I concluded that I prefer to see everything in color.

Allow me to elaborate.

When we live in white and black, we judge

anyone who does something that seems wrong, based merely in our perception

of what is right and wrong, and we forget that life

is much more complicated than that, there are many factors that

influence decisions taken by people, we forget that we simply don't know what anyone is feeling or thinking, or the kind of life that person has lived, their story. But because we live in white

black we can't see beyond that.

When we live in black and white, we only see people's skin color, we make distinctions, we become biased, we divide people into categories and do whatever it takes to keep them all separate.

When we live in black and white, we find it difficult to understand that

we are not perfect, that we make mistakes. We overlook all the shades we can find between black and white, and that this gradient colors, distinguishes us from the rest of the world, but not in a

negative way, those differences are what makes us special.

When we live in black and white, we focus our energy on the

lines that separate white from black, leaving us unable to appreciate the

beautiful colors that are all around us.

When we live in black and white, sometimes the black takes over the white

and we end up trapped in the darkness of life's issues and circumstances.

I'll never understand why, sometimes, we choose to live in black and white.

Yesterday my day started between shadows, the black prevented the light to enter in

my life, and my circumstances were bigger than my

hope, but right away, I remembered what's involved in living in

black and white, and I open the windows of my soul to let the light and colors of

joy, faith and love and put a smile on my face.

I don't know if you've ever lived in black and white, or if you see

others or even yourself that way. If so, you still have time,

please take my word for it. Let the colors in!


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